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by Roy Clouser
(University of Notre Dame Press, revised edition, 2005)

The central claim of the book is that all abstract theory-making is regulated by some divinity belief or other, where a divinity belief is a belief in something as the self-existent origin of all else. This claim is illustrated for major theories in mathematics, physics, and psychology. It then introduces an example of a theory of reality that is regulated by belief in the God of Christianity.

The book was nominated by Notre Dame Press for the American Academy of Religion Excellence Award and the Grawemeyer Award in  Religion. It is still in print, and has been translated into Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Korean.


by Roy Clouser
(Downer’s Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 204 pages.
(now available from Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon)
by Roy Clouser

This is a popular-level book of apologetics, that introduced the idea that the New Testament’s view of faith is equivalent to what mathematicians, logicians, and philosophers have called “self-evident” knowledge. The grounds for belief in God are, therefore, experiential, and religious experience is defined an clarified. A number of common objections to belief in God are reviewed and rebutted.

In addition to praise from Christian readers, the Sunni Muslim Youth Movement in the US put it on their recommended reading list.